Saturday, September 23, 2006

Week 5: Weekend Review

A synopsis of week 5 of this telenovela revealed it as a week of high-wire intrigues. Taking off on a high pedestal of desperate plots by vengeance-seeking, mutual blackmailers: Luis Alejandro and Jennifer, with a mission to destroy the love life of Carlos Eduardo Gomez. The week also portrayed Marissa Gomez as a wise, Compassionate and discretionary woman, when she preferred her son Carlos Eduardo, to her usurper-schemer husband- Luis Alejandro, to represent her in banking merger negotiations in Europe. Compassionate because she could not bear the pain of "loneliness" that Andreina was going through and had to find a suitable suitor for her.

It was a week of great moral lessons for all of us, particularly the "Bobo-Hans" and the "Baby-Nice" amongst us. What do I mean by this categorization? It seems that the most handsome guys and prettiest babes, face the the most tormetous temptations. It takes the great virtue of discipline of the greed-factor in human beings, to win or pass this great temptations.

Heriberto Sotomayor and Luis Alejandro were any woman's dream lover. It is an irony of life that they were the most cruel and wicked fellows in this telenovela. Marissa is an elegant stallion, beautiful and intelligent, but because she is a "Baby-nice" person, her great virtues were abused by the vicious wolves (Jenny and L.A.), who paraded a bag of vices in their stock.

It was a week of agony and anguish for Don Fernando Alcantara. Are you a parent, and you delight in imposing your will on your children? Are you a father and you are the 'lion of the tribe' of your household? Your boiling anger is the driver on the seat and in charge of the steering of the vehicle of your life? Better watch it, and go and learn from this old man that is gradually dying not because of any dieseas, but because of the repercussions of his callous and manipulative decisions of some few dacades ago. Hear from the mouth of this multi Billionaire who said that the pains of regret cannot be healed by food (nor by money).

It was a week of encounter between Luisa nd Marissa, the nobility in Marissa cannot but recognize the virtue in Luisa, even though the social divide seem to create an unabridged gulf between them.

I feel betrayed by Pedro, when his secret lover of 10 years, Susanna, appeared and made a claim on his love. I have always been his supporter in his unending battle with Amelia. I feel it is wrong for him to start dating and sleeping with another woman while Amelia was still under his roof. He should have prosecuted his divorce then, and let her go and find a new life, particularly, when Amelia could not bring herself to loving her father's former 'hired servant'. But many of us may excuse this as an inevitable "bodi no be firewood" syndromme, that men use as excuse to go awhoring when the wife at home becomes recalcitrant.