Monday, December 18, 2006

Snippet 4: Provocative Query

Esmeralda began an innocent query of Dominga (see picture by the right hand), about who her parents were. Dominga knew that this trouble would come sooner than later, because Esmeralda has come of age. She had her ready-made but nervous answer for Esmeralda. She told her that her parents were dead. Her query was however enough to send Dominga on a provocative search for her 'accomplice' of 23 years ago... Crisanta, at the Casa Grande.

Dionisio advised Adrián to be careful and tender in his guidance of Armando for the mystery strawberry thief. Adrián was not too happy with Armando's accusation of Esmeralda as the strawberry thief. He told him that the lady was of impeccable moral standing in the village and that she may be poor, but she was not a thief. He advised Armando to leave her in peace.

Florecita, the daughter of foreman Dionisio, was a very good friend of Esmeralda. She was chatting and walking with her friend, Esmeralda. She warned her that now that Jose was searching for strawberry thieves, she should be careful to avoid walking into him.

As Armando and Adrian continued walking, Armando saw Esmeralda in the distance and pursued her, she too ran in fear, until she tripped. Adrian was so angry and made attempts to stop him, telling him that the lady is blind and could not see. Adrián followed her to her hut and helped her to treat her wound. He assured her that she should no longer be afraid of Jose.

Lucio tried to dash the hope of Esmeralda, by telling her that she would never gain her sight. It pays him that way because, as an oppressor, he prefer Esmeralda to be permanently blind, so that he could take advantage of her disability.

Blanca became restless and asked Crisanta to help her locate where her 'dead' daughter was buried, 23 years ago. Crisanta went to inquire from Fermín. He assured her that there was no such burial at the cemetery 23 years ago. Later when Esmeralda came to the cemetery, Fermín, being her good old friend that cares for her, warned her to be wary of her association with Lucio because his hidden evil intentions for her.

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