Friday, June 01, 2007

Rekindling The Telenovela Spirit

Two people sent me messages in the dying hours of May, Their concern gives me a foretaste of what we shall see on this telenovela blog in the month of June.

The first person, called Olichin, posted a comment (which I edited partially, for the sake of comprehension), on my Cbox, saying: "hi phil, how is de family, pls i don't know what is really happening with ur blog, can u pls up-date us on the current happenings like b/f. I think u make ur fans (to) take joy in visiting de website, u r ma ... (don't make) us get bored, pls rekindle the spirit, pls even if u want me to subscri(be) for de story, I think i'll (do). hv a lovely day, and a great future wit telenovela".

The second person, I know, and I call her "Sweet-Bibi", Blesyn Joseph is the author of that blog that talks all about a woman's world- Pluto-Women's World. She lit a fire in my heart that promises to warm up our Telenovela Garden this month of June.

This is her own letter: "Hi Phil,

How are u doing, thanks for all u've been doing 4 me, u 've been my inspiration since i started blogging, i knew nothin about blogging, i dint even understand what it meant but 2day at least, people check my blog and thanks 2 u!

I also wanted to bring 2 ur notice what i noticed on ur blog, 4 1yr now, u've entertained us to the fullest with telenovelas, u gave us full snipets of TGD and ESMERALDA, u gave summaries of others and even promised completing the postings, but 2 my greatest surprise i realised on ur comment box dat people are complaining and are using the word 'bored' already. i dont want to sound like a nice person, but i feel its wrong of us viewers to use that language, its still early after 1yr of fun. i miss the snippets too, infact i check up on ur site every day 2 see if there are new things, but really i understand that there is always a reason for the delay!

I dont know but am kind of dissapointed dat people are complaining 2 much, i understand them too, cuz sorry 2 say, u are kind of cutting their fun but ur work should be appreciated, i must say u've done well and God will continue 2 bless u, u could ve chosen to post 4 money and people wld still subscribe and pay but u chose 2 do it 4 free and i think that gesture should be appreciated.

Am just trying 2 encourage u 2 continue what u've started becos its not easy and then some1 comes along 4rm no where, and say that u are begining 2 bore us just because dere is a litle bit of delay, i read ur comment box, i put myself in ur shoes and i felt u needed encouragement, thats y am doing this personally. I apologise on behalf of we viewers who do not understand and i also beg u to pls. try and continue de good work u've started and the Lord will surely be ur strength.

In as much as i dont like the way we viewers complain, i wld also want 2 say i undertand wat they feel, ur blog is a 2nd option 4 live broadcast of the telenovelas, they feel whatever they miss on tv can be read on ur blog so, there is never a reason for any1 to feel lost.

So pls. Phil, I know its not easy but plsssss. try and continue posting the snippets and i apologise again on behalf of we viewers for not understanding, me inclusive.

Regards to ur kids and family as a whole. Have a nice day!!!!"



I was moved to repentance when I read these two letters from avid fans of my blog. I had to wake up from licking my wounds, crawled out of defeat and lay hold of then promise of Dominion for this month.

I have had my set-backs in the last six weeks, concerning setting up my own independent blog: Story-Story Dot Com. The web hosting company based in Ireland, in fact, the biggest hosting company in Ireland, shot down my blog after two weeks, on the flimsy but racist excuse that Nigerians are spammers and scammers, and therefore they have a standing policy not to host websites from Nigeria because of possible abuses. They even admitted that it was a mistake on their part to have registered and hosted my blog in the first instance.

I wont bore you with my trials, I would rather share my testimonies with you. Because of that breach of contract, I was tempted to sue the company, but after much consideration, I have handed them over to God. If I am embroiled in a legal battle with an Irish company for the rest of the year, it would be a big minus for this telenovela goals for this year.

Life must go on. How long would I cry over a spilled milk? I have decided to convert my anger and disappointment into frantic telenovela labor, that would at least complete, "Lorenzo's Wife" snippets, (La Mujer de Lorenzo) this month.

With the end in sight of the gardener's daughter, (La Hija del Jardinero), a great search for new telenovela stories this June, would be the natural consequence. I prefer to be part of the solutions to those upcoming searches, than teaching some racist companies a lesson in civility.

Omodesola Tango: A Friend Like A Sister

"I wish, I have a friend, saying Yesss, to my dreams..." The theme song of the Skye Bank adverts on TV is so melodious and sweet that even though, I don't bank with them, my family and I enjoy it so much. It is classic and romantic.

Omodesola Ilechukwu is one friend that I met, just like you, on my blog here at the Telenovela Love Garden. There is a love tango growing between her and me. A love wand has begun binding me to this amazing lady of gentle mien.

We have so many things in common,

1. We both hailed from Edo State in Nigeria.

2. We are both happily married to wonderful men from another tribe. (my Husband is Yoruba while hers is Ibo),

3. We are both Christians, and I suspect we both drank from the same spiritual well. (at least for a period, I was of the David Oyedepo stock, and I once heard her spoke affectionately about Bishop David Abioye).

4. We are both young at heart and visionary (ambitious).

5. We both have lovely children and have passion for the family.

6. We both live at a stone throw to each other (I only knew this yesterday).

There is this magnetic attraction between two people, that strike right on, at the start of a relationship. Omodesola is my friend, and that friendship is growing into a sisterly bond. She is one person who did not allow my birthday last month, to go without a showering of precious gifts.

She ventured to deliver the package through a dispatch rider to me, (I had to stop that royal treatment, so I could meet her physically, first). Hear her: "I would not have forgiven myself if your birthday should pass without my knowledge". These are things that Blogging has brought my way, you see why my passion for blogging cannot die? They (treasured relationships), are more than whatever Google and other revenues from this blog could offer me.

Things are still happening great between us, like yesterday... I thank God for the day when I met you. You are gem and rare treasure. I would cultivate and appreciate your lovingkindness and generosity.

Best regards to your family, my family.