Sunday, December 31, 2006

Esmeralda 31: The Drawn Battle Line

The blame of breaking the flowerpot so overwhelmed Esmeralda that she began to weep. José Armando comforted and calmed her down, re-assuring her that it was an accident.

Later in the evening, as all sat at the dinning, to have dinner, Fátima protested, saying that it was an insult and degradation for her to sit on the same table with a low class Dominga. She insisted that Dominga be sent to the kitchen to eat where servants take their meals.

Blanca agreed with the resentment of Fátima, so she sent Esmeralda and Dominga to eat elsewhere, aparet from the large family dinning table. José Armando was saddened when he later discovered that his mother, Blanca, conspired to mistreat Esmeralda and Dominga.

Dominga was infuriated by her mistreatment by Blanca and Fátima, but Crisanta begged her to hold her peace until after the the church wedding

The letter from Dr. Lazcano from the city arrived but Fátima intercepted it. on reading it, she discovered that the dr. had gotten ready his preparation for the surgical operation on esmeralda that would make her to regain her sight. Fátima hid the letter and began to plot with another Doctor to divert the plan to operate Esmeralda.

Lucio was enraged to find an empty hut when he came to check on Esmeralda. He wondered where Dominga and Esmeralda went to. Fermín revealed to Lucio that Esmeralda was the biological but unknown daughter of Rodolfo Peñarreal.

Fátima inquired from Dionisio where she could locate Lucio's house. On the other hand, Blanca was uneasy, she began to investigate the background of Esmeralda, when she was born and who her real parents were.

José Armando decided to travel to the city to buy things in preparation for the church wedding. He entrusted Adrián to take good care of Esmeralda during his absence. Fátima maliciously schemed that Graciela should escort José Armando part of the way, but was surprised to see Armando taking the two ladies, Esmeralda and Graciela, to accompany him part of the way.

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