Saturday, December 30, 2006

Esmeralda 24: Only One Choice!

Ofelia became frightened when Dominga could not breath or move, he thought that she had died, so he quickly left the scene undiscovered. When Esmeralda returned home, she was frightened when she touched an unconscious Dominga lying still on the floor of her hut. She sent Melesio immediately to fetch José Armando who also, as we already know from Snippet 2, as a medical doctor.

Rodolfo continued in his blind desperation to fight against the destiny of Esmeralda by giving ultimatum to José Armando to choose between living in his house as his heir, or pack out and leave Casa Grande for ever, if he would nor forgo his romantic adventure with the blind poor girl. José Armando boldly choose to leave his heritage and packed out of the Casa Grande. Blanca was horrified by his decision and made desperate pleas to him to change his mind, but he refused her entreaties.

Graciela chose to confess to Blanca that her true love was for Adrián, justas she was opening her mouth to talk, Fátima burst in and angrily shut her up.

Ofelio reported back to Rodolfo that the task was abruptly aborted because she resisted him violently and he struck Dominga who fainted, this made him to hurriedly leave the scene.

Esmeralda was distressed by the vents and she heard movement of footsteps, so, she thought it was José Armando. Alas! it was Lucio who quietly walked in with the aim of finishing the uncompleted assignment of Ofelia.

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