Wednesday, December 20, 2006

ESM Snippet 13: What True Love Has Joined Together ...

The sudden appearance of Armando interrupted a romantic session between Adrián and Graciela. José Armando used the opportunity to give his engagement ring to Graciela. Adrián was very sad with this development and he sought to leave the Casa Grande, having sought the permission of the foreman, Dionisio.

Graciela became restless at the news of the impending departure of Adrián from the Estate. She ran to Dionisio's house to beg Adrián not to leave. Adrián told her that he had to because he his love for her, could not bear to see her engaged, much less married to another man. Florecita listened to and watched this love drama between Graciela and Adrián, and she went to relate the story to Esmeralda, assuring her that her chances with José Armando would be brightened, if Graciela should elope with Adrián.

Fermín went to confront Lucio Malaver to leave Esmeralda alone and should stop harassing her with his love advances. Fermín also told Florecita to counsel her best friend, Esmeralda to steer clear Lucio because he was evil. He also advised her not to trust José Armando because he may disappoint her love for him. This good man of the cemetery also went to alert Dominga about his fears for Esmeralda, because Lucio may cause her great harm.

José Armando too pursued his true love for Esmeralda by offering to lift her home in his jeep. She accepted, and when they got home, Dominga was plesantly surprised to see them together. She seized the opportunity to felicitate with him and told him that she was the midwife who delivered him and Esmeralda at birth. José Armando said he had always felt that somethings which he could not explain united him with Esmeralda, now he appreciated that Dominga was that uniting factor. He used the opportunity to invite Esmeralda to Graciela's birthday ceremony which would take place at the Casa Grande next day.

Based on Graciela's persuasion, Adrián annouced his change of mind, not to leave the Casa Grande again.

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